FX Website | The Hidden Price of Your Clothes
George Brown College’s Fashion Exchange (FX) is a vibrant hub where fashion education, design, production, entrepreneurship and engagement come together under one roof in the heart of downtown Toronto. With global fashion industry facing challenges of over-consumption, exploiting labour force and environmental resources, FX was designed to share the growing impact and become a leader in sustainable fashion production. With the people and the planet in mind, it fosters a new generation of industry leaders - committed, professional, and ethical.
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The Hidden Price of Your Clothes

CBC Marketplace

The hidden price of your clothes, a topic that is getting more and more attention these days.

Leah Barret, GBC Professor and Anika Kozlowski, Professor Ryerson University were invited to participate in a CBC Marketplace story about the hidden human price of fashion. FX was the location for the interview where students Ayca Emine Yilmaz, Mariel Solis Cartes, Carly Jones and Sierra Snow were also invited. Leah and Anika spoke to this concerning matter from their experiences and research.

The people at the bottom of the supply chain are the most affected by cheap fast fashion often toiling extended hours for minimum pay and in unsafe working conditions.

Learn more https://www.cbc.ca/news/marketplace/the-hidden-price-of-your-clothes-1.6238325

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