FX Website | Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, Elizabeth Dowdeswell Interview – In collaboration with George Brown College Fashion Exchange
George Brown College’s Fashion Exchange (FX) is a vibrant hub where fashion education, design, production, entrepreneurship and engagement come together under one roof in the heart of downtown Toronto. With global fashion industry facing challenges of over-consumption, exploiting labour force and environmental resources, FX was designed to share the growing impact and become a leader in sustainable fashion production. With the people and the planet in mind, it fosters a new generation of industry leaders - committed, professional, and ethical.
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Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, Elizabeth Dowdeswell Interview – In collaboration with George Brown College Fashion Exchange

George Brown College Fashion Exchange is truly grateful to have the opportunity to collaborate with Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, Elizabeth Dowdeswell to create this video. Her interest in textiles goes beyond the aesthetic of fabrics, with a personal connection from a very early age when she made clothes for her friends and family and studied textiles in University. Using her hand skills and collection of antique Irish linens, she has also supported efforts to supply masks by making them herself to donate to others.




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