FX Website | How do you upgrade your fashion tech while staying artisanal
George Brown College’s Fashion Exchange (FX) is a vibrant hub where fashion education, design, production, entrepreneurship and engagement come together under one roof in the heart of downtown Toronto. With global fashion industry facing challenges of over-consumption, exploiting labour force and environmental resources, FX was designed to share the growing impact and become a leader in sustainable fashion production. With the people and the planet in mind, it fosters a new generation of industry leaders - committed, professional, and ethical.
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How do you upgrade your fashion tech while staying artisanal

How do you upgrade your fashion tech while staying artisanal

Cutting from a new cloth with Zoran Dobric.

GBC – By GBC Research

April 11, 2023

As home to one of the Top 50 international Fashion Schools, George Brown College works proactively with industry stakeholders to advance research and innovation in the areas of design, creative arts, materials, and production methods. GBC research team and FX worked with partners Zoran Dobric to explore new ways of printing and incorporate new technologies into Zoran’s design process, helping to streamline design and production while still pushing the envelope of new innovative fashion creations. Big shout out to principal investigator Marysol Kim and students researches Caludia Gordilho and Mariana Custodio. Read more

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