FX Website | Felipe
George Brown College’s Fashion Exchange (FX) is a vibrant hub where fashion education, design, production, entrepreneurship and engagement come together under one roof in the heart of downtown Toronto. With global fashion industry facing challenges of over-consumption, exploiting labour force and environmental resources, FX was designed to share the growing impact and become a leader in sustainable fashion production. With the people and the planet in mind, it fosters a new generation of industry leaders - committed, professional, and ethical.
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Author: Felipe

Anticipating an increase in demand for clothing produced on domestic soil, the college is launching a grad program in sustainable practices BY ADRIA VASIL nowtoronto.com APRIL 21, 2017 3:43 PM As bad press continues to plague mainstream fashion and more brands come home to avoid overseas headaches, George Brown College’s...

Fashion Exchange filling production void by: LINDA WHITE Special to Postmedia Network, The SUN First posted: Monday, May 02, 2016 05:30 PM EDT When Anastasia De Lyon began studying fashion management, she never imagined she’d need to take a break after just one semester in order to earn...

by: Dialognews.ca Cutting the fabric at the Fashion Exchange opening. Pictured are: Anne Sado, President, George Brown College, Pam McConnell, Deputy Mayor City of Toronto and City Councilor Mitchell Cohen, Daniels Corporation Heather Grey-Wolf, Toronto Community Housing Art Garabedian, Reliable Corporation Anastasia De Lyon, student in...